Serious injuries usually have long term and life-long implications, which can be traumatic for both the injured person and the people who love and care for them particularly if they depend on the injured person for financial support.

At Matt Rowland solicitors, our experts understand the emotional and physical consequences of being involved in a serious or catastrophic accident. 

What You Need To Know

When should I bring my Catastrophic or Serious Injury Claim?  

Our recommendation is that you should bring your claim as quickly as possible. When claims are brought early, the events will be fresh in your mind and you are able to remember little details that came a big difference to the claim. Bringing a claim quickly also means that you have all the necessary paperwork needed to hand. This helps us to facilitate the initial process so that we can get on with fighting on your behalf to get you the compensation you deserve to move on with your life.

Is there a time limit on when I can bring a Catastrophic or Serious injury Claim?

According to the Limitation Act, a claim of this type must be brought within three years of the date of injury. The law allows for very few exceptions for example in the case of an injured child (persons under the age of 18) or people with diminished mental capacity.

We would recommend that you do not wait to the last minute to bring a claim as three years can go by quickly. If you are unsure about whether your claim can be brought, call one of our Serious Injury Lawyers today. Our experts are happy to discuss the details of your claim with you.

How will I pay for my claim? – NO WIN NO FEE

At Matt Rowland Solicitors we believe that everyone should have access to justice when they have sustained an injury through no fault of their own. Most of our Serious Injury and Catastrophic Injury claims can be handled on A NO WIN NO FEE basis. 

Start your Serious injury claim today by speaking to one of our dedicated Serious Injury lawyers. 


Our Serious Injury Service Areas Include


Brain Injury & Head Injury Claims

A Head Injury occurs where there is an injury to the skull. A Brain Injury, on the other hand, can be the result of a head injury. Although the skull itself may not be injured, the brain which lies underneath the skull might suffer severe trauma…

Amputation & Loss of Limb Claims

Undergoing a medical Amputation or losing a limb due to an accident or injury is completely unimaginable. 

At Matt Rowland Solicitors we understand that when you lose a limb it can affect your life and the lives of your loved ones…

Fatal Injury Claims

Dependents of a person who dies as a result of a third party’s negligent action can bring a claim for compensation.

The Fatal Injuries Act 1976 allows you to bring a claim where you have lost a loved one due to a third party’s negligent act …

Spinal Injury Claims

According to medical statistics, the chances of a person making a full recovery following a severe spinal cord injury are very slim. Often, a person who has sustained serous spinal cord injuries will have to live with some type of paralysis or long-term damage to the affected area…

Burn Injury Claims

Burn injuries are incredibly distressing, painful, and traumatic. At Matt Rowland Solicitors, it is our belief that where you have sustained a burn injury or a scarring injury as a result of a third party’s negligence, the appropriate thing to do would be to seek compensation…

Loss of Sight Claims

Injuries to the eye can occur from everyday activities including inside the workplace. Unfortunately, whilst the majority of eye injuries are minor and only result in irritation, bruising or scratches, other eye injuries can lead to partial or full blindness…

Loss of Senses Claims

There are many ways that a person can lose their sense of sight, smell or taste. The most common way is usually as a result of assault, falls resulting in a head trauma, nasal or sinus disease, respiratory infection or botched surgery…

Animal Injury Claims

We understand that when you lose a limb it can affect your life and the lives of your loved ones. Our specialist team of solicitors are skilled, empathetic and knowledgeable.  We will assist you in recovering compensation if you have lost a limb in an accident that wasn’t your fault…

Cosmetic Injury Claims

If you have had cosmetic surgery in the last three years and you sustained an injury as a result of negligence on the part of the cosmetic surgery provider, our Medical Negligence Solicitors can claim compensation on your  behalf ….


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